Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Delightful Display Ideas

Now that you have a nice collection of jewelry you love, where do you put it all, or more importantly, how should you do it? I've come across some creative jewelry display ideas over the years and wanted to share some of the ones that would be charming (and practical) in your home. For me, the most important function is to showcase the pieces so that you can easily assess what you have and pick the piece(s) you want to wear for the day, but also important is to keep the jewelry relatively separated so that chains don't tangle, etc.  I love the idea of creating a stylish and imaginative accent for the room with it, like these...

{clock-wise from top-left: Vintage cups and saucers in jewelry drawer via Martha Stewart, Rustic jewelry display frames by Pottery Barn,  Shadowbox frame via Martha Stewart, Antique velvet-lined boxes via Martha Stewart}

You'll have to use your imagination for the next few, but they are gorgeous and have lots of wiring to hang earrings off or drawer/shelves to set your jewelry on. I've always loved the look and feel of antique card catalogs and finding new purposes for them :)

{clock-wise from top-left: Aviary Castle from Anthropologie, wire teacup via homespunforte, antique display cabinet via Haute Home,  vintage card catalog via Red Jet Whistle}

The next couple jewelry storage ideas are even more unconventional, but fun and very practical...

{glass Ikea spice jars via Mochatini,  rotating nuts&bolts organizer via Re-nest}

That's all for now, but  there's more to come for jewelry storage and cleaning tips soon!


p.s. Please note that any jewelry that is prone to tarnish (such as sterling silver and gold-filled pieces) is best in kept air-tight bags/containers for long-term storage, unless you are ok with polishing them every couple months or so.  Also, it's best to keep any colored gemstones out of direct sunlight, as continuous strong exposure can cause fading.

1 comment:

  1. love this post! i like the tea cups and saucers storage idea. another excuse to keep collecting more! :)

    look forward to hanging out next week. :)
